目的 (Mission)


(For English scroll down)
1. はじめに

2. 本団体の主な活動について
• 本団体が開催する「投資家フォーラム会合」(以下、「会合」という。)にて投資家間で忌憚ない議論を行い、共通理解の基盤醸成や論点整理を行います。
• 会合にて議論し、抽出された見解を企業および投資家(機関投資家および個人投資家)を含む広範な対象に向けて発信します。
• また発信した内容に対するフィードバックを収集します。
• さらに、機関投資家側の窓口として、企業からの相談・議題提供を受け付けます。

3. 本団体が開催する会合への参加者
• 会合の開催に際しては、本団体の活動に強い関心を示し連絡先を登録している機関投資家等の方々へ案内を差し上げます。また当団体のホームページhttp://www.investorforum.jp/にも案内を掲載します。会合のテーマが確定していない場合には、会合への参加予定者から、議論すべきテーマを募集します。
• 会合開催の都度、参加者を募ります。参加の条件は運用会社を含む機関投資家あるいはその関係者であることですが、なかでも会合のテーマに強い関心と自己の意見を持ち、仲間と積極的に意見交換したいと考えている方々の参加を希望します。各会合の規模は20名程度(最大50名)を適切と考えます。
• 会合参加者には、議論への主体的な関与、取り上げるべきテーマの提案など設立目的に適った積極的な貢献を期待します。この趣旨から会合には傍聴席を設けません。
• また各会合は非公開とします。当日の議論の内容は記録しますが、発言者名は記載しません。



With the aging and decreasing population in Japan, how to maintain and generate national wealth has become a crucial issue for the Japanese. In order to deal with this issue, a more effective use of capital to create value, that is, a more effective combination of human capital, intellectual capital and financial capital will be required. Companies are the stage for this. Reinforcement of the competitiveness and earning power of every company is believed to be the condition necessary for building the strength to create value in Japan as a whole. On the other hand, the role of investors is to provide finance to companies that take on such task (internal reserve is one way to accomplish this, in addition to IPOs and capital increase). Return from invested capital will be reinvested, which will promote the creation of more value to companies. As the main body of the investment chain that creates such virtuous cycle, investors are expected to assume the crucial role of “stewardship responsibilities”.

From these perspectives, we want to understand in more depth measures taken by the companies to create values in the long-term, and to hold straight-forward talks with listed companies about the issues that the companies encounter. With regard to our interests as mentioned above, the implementation of the Corporate Governance Code is expected to create a better environment for “dialogue with shareholders”, but at the same time, as the Japan’s Stewardship Code and Ito Review point out (Notes 1 and 2), institutional investors are required to enhance their “capability” to share knowledge and experience in order to have better dialogue with companies and make better judgments.

We operate the “Forum of Investors Japan” for the purpose of supporting institutional investors acquire skills to appropriately fulfill their stewardship responsibilities toward their investee companies, and thereby realize constructive dialogue between the institutional investors and investee companies, and contribute to the sustainable growth of such companies.

(Note 1) Japan’s Stewardship Code, Principle 7-3 Exchanging views with other investors and having a forum for the purpose may help institutional investors conduct better engagement with investee companies and make better judgments.

(Note 2) Ito Review (p.90) “In order to enhance their capability for having dialogue with companies, it is important for a platform to be established in which institutional investors can share knowledge and experience, and have frank discussions on this matter. It is expected that this platform will help to provide a shared intellectual basis for dialogue.