メンバー概要 (Members)

• 運用会社を含む機関投資家における投資実務の経験を有する個人、あるいはその関係者であること。
• 会合のテーマに強い関心と自己の意見を持ち、仲間と積極的に意見交換する意欲があること。
• 日本企業の中長期的な価値創造及び日本の株式市場の発展に貢献する意志があること。


The “Forum of Investors Japan” is operated to support institutional investors acquire skills to appropriately fulfill their stewardship responsibilities toward their investee companies, and thereby realize constructive dialogue between the institutional investors and investee companies, and contribute to the sustainable growth of such companies.
The qualifications to become a member of the forum includes but not limited to the following.
Individuals with,
• working experience or background as an institutional investor.
• willingness to actively contribute in the discussions of the forum.
• strong interest in promoting sustainable value creation of Japanese companies and healthy development of the Japanese stock market.
In order to promote active dialogue, we believe the number of participants to each session of the forum should ideally be around 20 (max:50).